Special Events 2023
Investiture Ceremony Of The Junior School Monitors (3.5.23)

Junior School Girl Monitors

Junior School Boy Monitors

Girl Monitors & Boy Monitors

All The Monitors With The Coordinators & Principal Ma’am
Class XII Science Special Assembly (3.5.23)

Farewell For Mr. Richard Tamang (4.5.23)
Maintenance Manager Since 1995. 28 Years of Unbroken Service To Mahbert High School.A Tribute To Our Beloved Mr.R. Tamang
His voice was low and he was never heard to shout,
He managed things with his low profile with clarity, precision and never raised a doubt.
A grey bearded man moving around in his own quiet way,
Little did he speak but he accomplished things with few words n very little to say.
The printing room was his personal domain,
Now that he leaves us, that emptiness will always remain.
A man of prayer and deep faith was he,
A moral support here for many including me.
A man of many talents with a flair for drawings, he designed many a building plan.
We are going to miss you cause how do you replace such a man.
But the Almighty has His Plans, He has His own way,
And even as we bid you goodbye this much we all would like to say.
Your contribution Mr. Tamang will always be in our heart.
And you will be remembered long, long after we depart …!!!